pre-operative diagnosis
ddd, buldging disc with adhesion l3-4, 4-5
post-operative diagnosis
ddd, buldging disc with adhesion l3-4, 4-5
title of operation & code no
trans sacral epiduroscopic laser discectomy(seld)
under regional anesthesia
patient is placed in prone position on op table.
after routine draping, under c-arm control skin is anesthesia by lidocaine, incised 0.5cm long over the sacral
hiatus a troca is inserted into sacral hiatus & i-dolphine cannula is inserted into the epidural canal.
the scope is introduced, identifed exciting nerve root adheded, compressed by protruded annulus, epidural fat, dura,
superior articular process.
the nd:yag 1414nm laser is inserted. space is made with pro-firing beam, protruded annulus is found, laser firing is done on outer annulus to shrink.
after saline irrigation of inflammed material, bupivacaine with lidocaine, marinda is infused side of l3,4,5 nerve root it,
hemostasis are confirmed, the scope is removed, wound is closed with one stitch suture.
nylon3/0 1ea
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pre-operative diagnosis pre-operative 진단
ddd, buldging disc with adhesion l3-4, 4-5 유착 3번요추-4번요추 사이 4-5 을(를) 동반한 ddd buldging 추간판(원반)
post-operative diagnosis post-operative 진단
ddd, buldging disc with adhesion l3-4, 4-5 유착 3번요추-4번요추 사이 4-5 을(를) 동반한 ddd buldging 추간판(원반)
title of operation & code no 이상 소견 없습니다. 수술 그리고 부호 의 title
trans sacral epiduroscopic laser discectomy(seld) 경- 천골 epiduroscopic 레이저 discectomy(seld)
under regional anesthesia 아래쪽 부위마취
patient is placed in prone position on op table. 수술 table 에 엎드린자세 에서 환자 placed
after routine draping, under c-arm control skin is anesthesia by lidocaine, incised 0.5cm long over the sacral 리도카인 incised 0 5cm long 과대 천골 에 의해 이후에 기본 draping 아래쪽 c-arm 조절(통제) 피부 마취
hiatus a troca is inserted into sacral hiatus & i-dolphine cannula is inserted into the epidural canal. 경막 밖의 관 안에(으로) 천골 구멍 그리고 i-dolphine 삽입관 inserted 안에(으로) 구멍 전 troca inserted
the scope is introduced, identifed exciting nerve root adheded, compressed by protruded annulus, epidural fat, dura, 돌출된 annulus 경막 밖의 지방 경질막 에 의해 scope introduced identifed exciting 신경뿌리 adheded compressed
superior articular process. 위- articular 돌기
the nd:yag 1414nm laser is inserted. space is made with pro-firing beam, protruded annulus is found, laser firing is done on outer annulus to shrink. shrink 에 걸친 outer annulus 에 pro-firing 방출 돌출된 annulus 발견된 레이저 firing 마침 을(를) 동반한 nd:yag 1414nm 레이저 inserted 공간 만들다
after saline irrigation of inflammed material, bupivacaine with lidocaine, marinda is infused side of l3,4,5 nerve root it, 3번요추 4 5 신경뿌리 it 의 리도카인 marinda infused 측면(쪽) 을(를) 동반한 inflammed 물질 부피바카인 의 이후에 염류- 세척
hemostasis are confirmed, the scope is removed, wound is closed with one stitch suture. one stitch 봉합 을(를) 동반한 지혈 confirmed scope 제거함 상처 페쇄성