Hill-sachs lesion at the poaterolateral portion of humeral head, corocoid process level.
bankart lesion withmultilobulationg paralabral cysts at the anterior labrum.
subacromial subdeltoid bursitis.
tendinopathy of distal sst. ddx partial thickness bursa side tear of distal sst
about 0.4cm sized, calcification at sst
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Hill-sachs lesion at the poaterolateral portion of humeral head, corocoid process level. 위팔갈래(상완골두) corocoid 돌기 수준 의 poaterolateral 부위 에서 Hill-sachs 병변
bankart lesion withmultilobulationg paralabral cysts at the anterior labrum. 전방 테두리 에서 bankart 병변 withmultilobulationg paralabral cysts